Minggu, 27 Oktober 2013

The area of farm land should be receded to stop global warmig

Unconsciously SDA (Natural Resources) in this world begin to deteriorate even threatened destroyed if we as humans

do not fix it immediately. Human-made constant use of natural resources with no responsibility so that it can cause many losses (catastrophe), as the issue of global warming. There are so many causes of global warming as a result of the expansion of agricultural land should be reduced to stopping global warming.
Should reduction of agricultural land due to agricultural land sourced from forests which are used as agricultural land. As a result, many natural disasters such as floods or landslides caused by the forest was no longer functions as the lungs of the world. While the forest is where the absorption of rainwater.
Then, if agricultural land is more extensive than is possible with a little jungle of plants that will absorb the sun's harmful rays. While the forest itself has an important role to reduce the risk of global warming. Also, it can lead to reduced CO due to the absence of plants.
So from now on the expansion of agricultural land should be reduced to stop global warming.

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